※ [本文轉錄自 NTU 看板 #1HLLE2DJ ]
作者: CharlieL (心平氣和) 看板: NTU
標題: Re: [心情] 有教學熱誠的TA
時間: Fri Mar 29 16:40:30 2013
I apologize if my expression makes you think that I am tyrannizing my
students. I consider myself lucky and I take every opportunity to thank
my TAs. My expression was made to send a message to the NTU officials
that we are not paying the TAs enough to make great courses.
The following is an email I sent to my students when I asked them to be my TAs
this semester. Maybe this helps you understand the type of person I am.
The bottom line is: I've never forced any of my students to be my TAs,
especially volunteer TAs.
Thanks for raising the warning sign on the expression that I've made.
I fully agree with the goal that we should give the TAs more financial
support, and I will surely try to take more actions towards the goal
in my power.